Economics tutoring center

The Economics Tutoring Center is located in BA 211 and offers free tutoring for students in the following courses: ECN 306, ECN 310, ECN 312, ECN 313, and ECN 425. Tutors at the Economics Tutoring Center are Undergraduate Economics Instructional Scholars, selected based on a nomination process from professors.

Spring 2025 tutoring schedule

Since each course has a dedicated tutor, please check the schedule below to ensure you are visiting the tutoring center at a time when your dedicated tutor is there. Tutors will be in BA 211 unless otherwise indicated. For students not in the four core classes covered, please consult your professor on where additional help or tutoring can be found for your class.

Looking for tutoring in other subjects? Visit ASU Tutoring for a variety of options, including Online Study Hub.

Undergraduate Economics Instructional Scholars

Each year, economics professors nominate their best students to become Undergraduate Economics Instructional Scholars. After an interview process of nominated candidates for each professor, one student is selected to work with each professor for the upcoming year by serving as the tutor for that professor’s course(s).

Each scholar will only work with the professor that nominated them. These scholars represent some of the economics department’s best students. Working as an economics instructional scholar also provides valuable mentorship opportunities with an economics professor.